Blue Ridge Hospice One More Song Featuring Shadowgrass
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When their instrumental prowess earned them a vast following on social media, childhood friends turned all-star act Shadowgrass found sudden success. But as a young band, the expectations that went along with a large audience proved daunting. “We felt a lot of pressure to make something uniquely us, because we had such a big following, and we felt that they deserved more than what we had given them as of yet.” explains the band. The group dug deep into their own musicality, and tried to block out the noise for their sophomore release All That Will (out Oct 2024). “It turned out that dropping those self-imposed expectations and just writing/making music for our own enjoyment was the key to finding our collective voice and making a record we are all proud of."

Shadowgrass began in 2014 when Clay Russell (Banjo), Luke Morris (Mandolin), Kyser George (Guitar) were jamming at the Grayson County Fiddler’s Convention in Elk Creek, VA. Sometime before their first real show, the name Shadowgrass was suggested simply because they thought it sounded “cool”. Kyser, Clay, and Luke were 9, 13, and 14 years old at the time. Now in their early twenties, their influences and listening habits have changed drastically, but the group has always grown in the same direction musically. They have welcomed fiddle player Madison Morris, who also lends vocals and songwriting prowess, and bass player Evan Campfield. Luke and Madison trade off lead vocals, and harmonies seamlessly with one another.

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