Whey Jennings
The Steel Woods - Old Town Smokeout Day 2
Aug 23, 2024
8:00 pm
The Steel Woods - Old Town Smokeout Day 2
The Monument
Ladies Night Sing Along
Sep 7, 2024
10:00 pm
Ladies Night Sing Along
The Monument
Joshua Quimby w/ MP Gannon
Sep 10, 2024
7:00 pm
Joshua Quimby w/ MP Gannon
The Monument
Jesse Daniel
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Jesse Daniel
The Monument
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Sep 20, 2024
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The Monument
September Live From The Vault
Sep 21, 2024
8:00 pm
September Live From The Vault
The Monument
David Jolly as seen on Kill Tony & Comedy Mothership
Sep 22, 2024
7:00 pm
David Jolly as seen on Kill Tony & Comedy Mothership
The Monument
Marcy Playground w/ Jimmie's Chicken Shack
Oct 4, 2024
7:30 pm
Marcy Playground w/ Jimmie's Chicken Shack
The Monument
Wrinkle Neck Mules
Oct 10, 2024
7:30 pm
Wrinkle Neck Mules
The Monument
Saxsquatch Live @ The Monument
Oct 18, 2024
8:00 pm
Saxsquatch Live @ The Monument
The Monument
Blue Ridge Hospice One More Song Featuring Shadowgrass
Nov 1, 2024
7:30 pm
Blue Ridge Hospice One More Song Featuring Shadowgrass
The Monument
Micro Wrestling All-Stars
Nov 6, 2024
8:00 pm
Micro Wrestling All-Stars
The Monument
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Whey Jennings

Country singer-songwriter Whey Jennings was born into one of country music’s most iconic family names, first emerging in 2012 as another naturally gifted singer from the Jennings tribe. With large boots to fill, the young Nashville recording artist and singer-songwriter for Dirt Rock Empire, with a booming baritone voice as big as Texas, finds himself with a few expectations to live up to. Seeking to establish his own musical legacy as one of the few remaining torch-bearing country traditionalists out there, Whey can instantly take his fans back to a time and sound his Grandfather Waylon and Grandmother Jessi gave birth to in the 70’s, even with his own songs.

With three studio recorded EP releases under his belt, 2020’s Gypsy Soul,2022’s If It Wasn’t for The Sinnin’, and 2023’s Just Before The Dawn, Jennings is now preparing for his magnum opus of songs, his first full length album, the highly anticipated Jekyll & Hyde, due out August 23, 2024. Many of Whey’s songs reveal stories of how he has come to terms with a checkered past of too much partying, led by a drug-fueled lifestyle, but knowing he needed to make a change. Musical stories about struggles, addiction, finding sobriety, and redemption through faith in God, family and his friends. Interjecting his own modern-day approach to songwriting and storytelling, while remaining a little rough around the edges, Whey’s unpolished grit and honest demeanor defines his sound, with musical roots that run as deep as his Jennings family name would imply.

“Out of 43 years on this earth I lived 38 of them in the darkness,” Whey recalled. “I was pretty well a functioning drug addict and an alcoholic. I found the light four years ago by the grace of God. I have a beautiful wife who has also stood by my side, and six beautiful children who continue to love me. A wonderful Manager who I call my Momager, Mrs. Tammy Carolus. I’ve decided to dedicate this LP and my life to them.”

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